My father, my twin brother and I at the Grasso Refrigeration Project 1988, Yemen
My Story
Growing up in the world of architecture, design and construction is what brought out the love of having to create something and seeing it come to fruition. In addition to watching my father spend countless hours at his drawing board with blank sheets of transparent paper and transforming it into an architectural canvas of art, he taught us many things, things that I would later on find out where things that were seldom common in the world we live in.
Diligence and excellence in his craft was something that I thought was something that was expected. He would treat every project as if it was the only project and if it was his own project and would exert all his physical, mental and creative energy in the effort to exceed the expectations that he gave and that he ascribed unto himself.
Integrity was something that he didn't speak of , he lived it in every interaction and transaction in his career. I remember him paying the laborers out of his pocket even though the project owner didn't pay him. He would even at times come out of pocket to complete the project in a better way than he was asked.
And like the Greek tragic hero save for the arrogance, his highly-admirable qualities, extraordinary competence and righteous passion for honesty and moral duty led him into tragic circumstances in a country like Yemen.
Though he had all the qualities of someone who would easily become a highly successful, well known and even rich architect-engineer, it was the rampant corruption in government and business and his indefatigable unwillingness to comprise his morality and integrity that led to his inability to grow and prosper.
That was the reason why we came to the US, the land of opportunity. It is in his honor, by his inspiration and because of him , I started this company.
Ultimately, what my father taught us boiled down to this:
Nobody can take your integrity away from you...except yourself.